Salary and Income
Salary and income in Tallahassee is the amount of money a person earns in a year from their job. This can be either wages or salary, bonuses, tips, or benefits such as health insurance or 401(k) plans. This is typically the primary source of income for most people, but it can also be from other sources such as rental property, investment income, or inheritance. The median household income in Tallahassee is $63,102, which puts it in the top 52 percent of US cities. There are a number of factors that can affect household income, including education level, industry, and the cost of living.
The highest paying jobs in Tallahassee tend to require a high level of skill or experience, but there are some well-paying entry-level positions for those just starting out. The average salary in Tallahassee is $46,310, which is below the national average but still a good wage for those with the right skills.
It’s also worth noting that the cost of Salary and Income in Tallahassee, FL is 1% lower than the national average, so a good salary here will go further than it would elsewhere. This makes it an ideal place for young people to start a career, as they can afford to live comfortably without taking on a huge mortgage or rent payments.
Tallahassee has a population of 195k people, and the median age is 27.7. The gender split is 48-50%, and the most common ancestry groups are White Non-Hispanic 55%, Black or African American 32.1% , Asian Non-Hispanic 4.85% , and Two or More Races 2.79% .
A high percentage of the population is college educated, which is reflected in the higher than average unemployment rate of 2.2%. This is good news for Tallahassee, as it shows that the city has a highly skilled workforce and is capable of competing in the global economy.
One thing that may contribute to the low unemployment rate is that state government jobs pay relatively low salaries, but those who work for the state often get raises fairly quickly after they’ve been on the job for a while.
The OEWS Occupational Employment and Wage Survey is a federal-state cooperative program administered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and state workforce agencies, in this case Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity. The data is collected by employer representatives from a wide range of industries. It includes detailed occupations and their hourly wages as well as other information such as the 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentile wages, employment percent relative standard error, and more. Click here for more information on the OEWS. The data is available in both a web browser and downloadable Excel file. This information is updated quarterly. A detailed description of the methodology and data sources can be found on the OEWS Methodology page. The data can be sorted by industry, occupation, or geographic region.